Myrtus communis ‘Compacta’
Also known as Dwarf Myrtle. This is a lovely, aromatic evergreen shrub. The creamy-white flowers bloom in summer and produce a sweet scent. The blooms are followed by bluish-black berries that attract birds. The glossy, bright green foliage has a spicy fragrance when brushed up against. It is a compact, slow-growing dwarf cultivar averaging 5-6 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide. It can reach 15-20 feet tall at full maturity. Dwarf Myrtle is native to the Mediterranean region and does well in a similar climate requiring full sun or partial shade with little to moderate watering needs.
Myrtus works well as a low hedge plant because it does not require a lot of pruning. It can also be used as a formal hedge or topiary if trained or sheared from the beginning. It does well in any soil as long as there is good drainage. It is a drought tolerant plant once established.
We are currently growing Myrtus communis ‘Compacta’ in one gallon containers. Give us a call, connect with us on Facebook or Instagram @clearwatercolornursery and check out our website to see photos of these plants and many other we are growing.