Epilobium canum ‘Hollywood Flame’ (Zauschneria canum)
Epilobium canum ‘Hollywood Flame’
(Zauschneria canum)
As summer fades into fall there are some plants that really begin to show their stuff. Epilobium canum ‘Hollywood Flame’ is one such plant. The deep red tubular flowers begin blooming in late summer, attracting Hummingbirds and Butterflies from far and wide. These California Natives can be found growing in rocky outcroppings and seasonal creeks banks in the hills around Los Angeles, CA. They are moderately drought tolerant, heat tolerant and are hardy to about 10°F.

‘Hollywood Flame’ grows 18-24” tall and has a sprawling-spreading habit. These are a fantastic addition to a California native landscape and pair well with Salvia clevelandii ‘Winifred Gilman’.

The Sunset Climate Zones are 2-11, 14-24. We are currently growing Epilobium canum ‘Hollywood Flame’ in 1 gallon containers. Follow us on Instagram @clearwatercolornursery.