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Mentha requienii ‘Mini Mint’

Mentha requienii ‘Mini Mint’

Commonly known as Corsican Mint, Mentha requienii ‘Mini Mint’ is the newest breeding of this tried and true perennial groundcover. ‘Mini Mint’ creates a lush, emerald-green carpet when allowed to creep along the ground, and fills in nicely when planted between stepping stones.

It’s attractive when billowing over the sides of containers, and is perfect for creating a luxurious green lawn for Fairy Gardens.

It grows 1-3 inches tall by 6-12 inches wide, setting down roots as it spreads. The foliage has a minty, sage-like scent, and although the leaves are not toxic, the flavor is not palatable.

‘Mini Mint’ grows best in shade to dappled sunlight, and planted in well-drained soil. Provide regular irrigation, as this plant does not do well in drought conditions. The Sunset Climate Zones are 5-9, 12-24.

We are currently growing Mentha requienii ‘Mini Mint’ in both 6 packs and 4” pots. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @clearwatercolornursery, to see what’s happening around the nursery.

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