Pepper ‘Gypsy’ Capsicum annuum
Pepper ‘Gypsy’ Capsicum annuum
Pepper ‘Gypsy’ is one of the most beautiful and delicious peppers you can grow this spring and summer! It was awarded the title of All American Selection Winner (AAS Winner) for its outstanding flavor, beauty and garden performance. ‘Gypsy’ is a medium size pepper, growing 3 ½” – 4 ½” long and 2 ½” wide with an elongated-tapered shape and narrow shoulders. It has fairly thin skin that transitions from pale greenish-yellow to a deep orange-red as it matures. It is a prolific producer, and with optimal growing conditions, can produce 50-100 peppers in one season.

These awesome peppers can be harvested at pretty much any stage of development. The young green peppers have a crunchy, slightly acidic flavor and the more mature peppers have a sweet, rich flavor. These are “Sweet” peppers that score a 0 in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). Not only are they tasty and sweet, they are also very good for you. They are a good source of Vitamin C, A, B6 and Folate. They are also rich in Manganese, Potassium, Copper, and Vitamin K.
‘Gypsy’ Pepper plants are visually charming in the garden. As each pepper matures at a different rate, they create a delightfully colorful display all on one plant. The yellow, orange and red color combination is slightly reminiscent of candy corn. (These are perfect for edible landscaping!) The plants grow 18-24” tall x 12” wide and require full sun. They are resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus, and reach maturity in 65 days. The Sunset Climate Zones are ALL ZONES. Plant in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil and keep well-watered during the growing season. When harvesting use clean tools and containers that you would normally use in your kitchen. Store unwashed (or washed and thoroughly dried) peppers in the refrigerator in a loosely wrapped bag.

We are currently growing Pepper ‘Gypsy’ in 4” pots. Get them while they last and enjoy a plentiful harvest this summer and fall. Visit our website to see photos of these plants and follow us on Instagram @clearwatercolornursery to see what’s happening around the nursery.