Cistus x pulverulentus ‘Sunset’
Cistus x pulverulentus ‘Sunset’
Also known as Magenta Rockrose, this compact and mounding perennial brings showy color to dry slopes and banks. ‘Sunset’ grows about 2 feet tall by 6 - 8 feet wide. The resinous, grey-green foliage is topped with 2”, bright magenta flowers. This is a great plant for seaside gardens as it is tolerant of salt-spray found along the coast. Once it’s established it will require little water, however in hot inland regions, provide occasional irrigation to keep it looking its best.

The brilliant flowers of ‘Sunset’ attracts Butterflies and Bees making it a good choice for pollinator gardens. The low growing spreading growth habit provides a place for ground-dwelling birds to seek shelter from predators and inclement weather. An added bonus is that is both deer and rabbit resistant.

The Sunset Western Climates Zones are 4-9, 14-24, and it is cold hardy to 15-20 degrees F. Plant in full sun to partial shade. We are currently growing Cistus x pulverulentus ‘Sunset’ in 5 gallon containers and one gallon pots. To see photos of these and many other plants we are growing, visit our website Also, follow us on Instagram or Facebook @clearwatercolornursery to keep up to date on the happenings around our little nursery in the valley.
