Dianthus interspecific ‘Jolt™ Pink Magic’
Dianthus interspecific ‘Jolt™ Pink Magic’
Perfect for cut-flower gardens, containers, and cottage gardens, the ‘Jolt™’ series of interspecific Dianthus are one you’ll want to try. ‘Jolt™ Pink Magic’ is such an outstanding perennial that it was recognized as an All American Selection Winner. The AAS Judges declared that this entry was “The Best of the Trials, we wish all Dianthus performed this well!”

The 3” flower clusters of ‘Jolt™ Pink Magic’ start out a light blush pink, and as the blooms mature, deepen into shades of dark pink and rose. The blossoms have the distinctive sweet and spicy scent of Carnations, and when used as a cut flower, the blooms remain fresh for a week or more.

The ‘Jolt™’ series is tolerant of a wide range of weather conditions and is known for being one of the most heat-tolerant Dianthus currently on the market. It is cold hardy to 0°F. ‘Jolt™ Pink Magic’ grows strong stems that stand 16-20 inches tall and are well-branched, spreading to 12-14 inches wide. It is easy to grow and stays neat and tidy in the landscape. Plant in full to partial sun in porous, well-drained soil.

We are currently growing Dianthus interspecific ‘Jolt™ Pink Magic’ and ‘Jolt™ Cherry’ in 4.5” pots. Follow us on Instagram @clearwatercolornursery to keep up to date on our #nurserylife.