Galvezia speciosa (Island Snapdragon)
Galvezia speciosa (Island Snapdragon)
As Wholesale Growers in the Central Coast of California, we often get asked to recommend plants that will tolerate the cold, wind and salt-spray of seaside conditions. Galvezia speciosa is one plant that we whole-heartedly recommend! This evergreen perennial is Native to Catalina, San Clemente, and the Guadalupe Islands that are located off the coast of California and Mexico. It is at home along the rocky slopes and coastal bluffs and requires little summer water along the coast.
When grown inland, Galvezia speciosa does best if planted in shade or dappled sunlight. A North or North-East facing wall – out of direct sunlight - is a good place for this beautiful plant to thrive. It does require regular irrigation in hot summer regions. It has an open, airy growth habit and if planted away from others, the branches will tend to grow lower to the ground, creating a low shrub. However, if planted alongside others, the branches will grow longer and taller, taking advantage of the support of their garden companions. Generally speaking it grows 3-4 feet tall by 5-7 feet wide.
The best part of Island Snapdragons are the scarlet-red, tubular flowers that grow at the tips of the branches. When in bloom, this plant becomes the hot-spot for the local Hummingbird and Butterfly populations. This is a great plant to include in a pollinator-friendly landscape because it has a long bloom season – late spring through autumn. Galvezia speciosa benefits from frequent, light pruning to maintain its shape and promote re-bloom. It is cold hardy to 30°F, and the Sunset Climate Zones are 14-24. We are currently growing this stunning California Native in 1 gallon containers. Visit our website to see photos of these and many other plants we are growing.