Osteospermum ecklonis, Astra ‘Orange Sunrise’, ‘Terra Cotta’, & ‘Serenity Bronze’
Osteospermum ecklonis, Astra ‘Orange Sunrise’, ‘Terra Cotta’, & ‘Serenity Bronze’
Native to Africa, these lovely, full mounding plants like cool mornings and evenings and bright sunny days. If grown in the right conditions, these beautiful plants will reward you with an abundance of daisy-like blooms from spring through fall. They have a beautiful composite flower, with a contrasting center, and the bright green leaves add a nice contrast to their warm flower color. They will spread into a 1-4 foot wide bush, and grow 10-30 inches tall. Osteospermums prefer a rich, well-drained soil, but will also do fine in less suitable conditions. They are drought and heat tolerant, and the deer stay away from them. They are often used in container gardens, border beds, or mass planted in park gardens. They are easy to grow and require minimal care once established, however it’s best to cut back spent blooms and old, sprawling branches in late summer to encourage re-bloom. The only thing that will cause them to die is extreme frost or damp root conditions. Pair with Alyssum ‘Snow Crystals’ or Lobelia ‘Crystal Palace’ for a bright and colorful display. The Sunset Climate Zones for Osteospermum ecklonis are 8, 9, and 12-24.
Osteospermum, also known as African Daisy or Cape Daisies used to be included in the genus Dimorphotheca, but now only the annual plants remain grouped in this way. They are included in the family Asteracea, along with Sunflowers, and other composite flowers, which is one of the largest families of flowering plants. Osteospermum ecklonis are what is known as a tender perennial, meaning that they will grow as a perennial in mild winter areas, but will not survive cold hard frosts. There are 50 species of Osteospermum native to Africa, and 35 Species from South Africa. Osteo is Greek for bone, and spermum is Latin for seed, perhaps referencing its woody based, half-hardy nature. We are currently growing Osteospermum Astra ‘Orange Sunrise’, Astra ‘Terra Cotta’, and ‘Serenity Bronze’ in Gallon containers. Give us a call, ‘Like’ us on Facebook, or check out our website at www.clearwatercolor.com to check out these and other plants we are currently growing here at Clearwater Color Nursery.