Sedum ‘Desert Gem’
Sedum ‘Desert Gem’
Thank you for joining as we continue to follow the bloom in our succulent series of blogs with a more delicate Sedum in the Crassulacea family, Sedum ‘Desert Gem’. As it blooms, it commands attention, standing out among its fellow succulent mates, with its bright yellow star-shaped flowers blanketing its small, bright foliage. As we determined before, Sedums are also named Stonecrop, as they are found all over the world perched atop of rocks and ledges, walls and stumps. Sedum in the Latin literally translates ‘to sit’. This delicate sedum grows 2-6 inches high, with its rounded leaves stacked atop its thin green-to-red stems, and tumbling over the sides of containers and ledges.
This sedum does well in containers, where it adds texture and contrast as you decide what it pairs with. We prefer to place it with other small succulents, so the contrast is subtle, and its delicacy emphasized, however you could go with larger foliage and have more of a dramatic mini landscape. ‘Desert Gem’ has a spreading habit and will fill in empty areas of a rock garden, creating a very natural look. Be careful to place them away from foot traffic as they are fragile and will break if stepped on. Sedum ‘Desert Gem’ grows requires well-drained soil, with full to part sun, and does well in our California Climate. We are currently growing Sedum ‘Desert Gem’ in 4.5” containers. Please give us a call, ‘Like’ us on Facebook, or check out our website at to learn more about these and many other plants we grow!